Gobble: Brown Sugar-Crusted Salmon with Mashed Avocado and Tomato Vinaigrette Review

Brown Sugar-Crusted Salmon with Mashed Avocado and Tomato Vinaigrette, was our second meal with Gobble and boy was I excited. Until recently, I thought I hated salmon but started trying some amazing recipes from meal subscription boxes. That's one of the reasons why I love meal delivery services, it allows you to explore a diverse selection of cuisine, taking you outside your comfort zone, as well as teach you how to prepare certain foods.

This particular meal from Gobble looked absolutely stunning on the recipe card. The simple ingredients of toybox cherry tomatoes, avocado, and Persian cucumber had such vibrant color. Similar to the first meal, this kit came with prepackaged and pre-measured ingredients. This meal consisted of two salmon filets, a packet of brown sugar spice rub, pre-cooked pearl couscous, bagged tomato basil vinaigrette, fresh Persian cucumber, toybox tomatoes, and an avocado. 

Unfortunately, the avocado in this dinner kit was overripe and was not able to be used. Luckily, being a typical millennial I have a bajillion avocados lying around for avocado toast so I was all set. No need to panic. 

Alright so let's get started...

This recipe was slightly more involved than the last. Slightly. 

I had to get a plate and pour the brown sugar spice rub onto it. Easy enough. Then I had to pat the salmon dry and coat only one side of the fish with the spice rub. I placed the fish into a hot oiled non-stick saute pan and cooked it until it was done. 

While the fish was cooking, I diced the cute little Persian cucumber, halved the toybox tomatoes and place them in a bowl. Half of the tomato basil vinaigrette was mixed in. 

Using my new and improved pretty avocado, I made the avocado mash. This was the most difficult part because I don't own a masher, and I had to use a fork. Ugh. 

Preparing the couscous couldn't have been easier. I literally just opened the bag and heated it in the microwave, then mixed in the rest of the tomato basil vinaigrette. Done! It didn't quite take me 10 minutes to cook this meal either - from start to finish it took me about 20 minutes. That's still pretty quick in my opinion for this kind of meal.

 This meal was amazing. I give this dish 4 1/2 out of 5 stars. The tomatoes were a standout component in this dish, the sweetness of brown sugar from the delicate salmon paired well with the strong flavors of the tomatoes. The cucumbers and avocado mash were refreshing and balanced out a meal that would have been on the heavier side if they were not present.

Again, I was disappointed that I received an ingredient that was unusable. 

Until next time...


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