Hungryroot: Sweet Potato Pad Thai Review

Hungryroot's Sweet Potato Pad Thai...where do I begin? It's described as a lighted up version of Pad Thai, boy is that an understatement! Hungryroot thinks this dish is going to convince me to ditch my late night take out habit - I have news for them, it won't.
This meal was just bad. Really bad. Similar to the other Hungryroot meals, this was also ridiculously simple to prepare. Open a bag, heat it up, done! The final product though is nothing to celebrate. In the end, it's a couple of bagged vegetables, with a Thai peanut sauce that is supposed to perform some kind of miracle, but in the end, it just made the vegetables taste even more unappetizing. Congratulations, Hungryroot - that's a first! 

To make this dish I drizzled some olive oil in a frying pan, cooked sweet potato ribbons for 2 minutes then added a bag of snap peas and 1/2 a cup of water. The vegetables were covered and cooked for an additional 4 minutes. Thai Peanut sauce was mixed into the vegetables once they were cooked. Done. 

They totally photographed these sweet potato ribbons raw for the recipe card, because mine turned to mush as I ever so gently mixed in the Thai peanut sauce. Yummy! The Thai peanut sauce was awful. It smelled very strongly of Italian dressing, and the contrast of flavors was so sharply different it was unsettling. The longer the sauce penetrated the sweet potato, the worse the flavor became. Imagine eating a bowl of all-natural peanut butter with Italian dressing mixed in. Not cool. I couldn't finish this meal. It went in the garbage. 

This meal subscription service was an embarrassment. If you're thinking about trying it out, you can do better than this. Go to the farmers market, get some gorgeous vegetables and toss them with olive oil, salt, and pepper and roast them and it would be 100x better than what I received. I understand that this is supposed to be convenient and quick...but I simply can't back something that charges $59/week for uninspired, lazy meals. It's a total rip off. Tomorrow night's meal is a mixed bag of salad with the same disgusting sauce. I won't be reviewing it because I can't imagine what I could possibly say. Skip this meal service. 

On a positive note, I did enjoy the individually packed breakfasts, lunch, and dessert options and believe they would do well if they were sold in stores on their own and not in a bundle. However, this does not justify the cost of this weekly subscription. Bye, Hungryroot. HelloFresh!


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